This afternoon, 15, May 2019, around 259 language students from beginner to translation classes of Drepung Losel Ling monastery were tested their English language skills in monastery’s Annual Language Examination 2018-19 held at the Center (Drepun Losel Ling Meditation and Science Center) …

The six selected candidates from different Tibetan monasteries in southern India for the 5th Cohort Tenzin Gyatso Science Scholars’ programs of year-2 at Emory University have completed their English Language training programs at Drepung Losel Ling Meditation and Science Center. …

The Annual Science Examination of Drepung Loseling monastery was carried out this afternoon. We are grateful to His Eminence the abbot, the disciplinarian, the chairman of the monastery’s board examination, the director of the Center as well as teachers for …