Please click here to read our Newsletter – DLLMSC Newsletter. August,2020. Our Newsletter of August, 2020https://t.co/tOvNF5nO6U pic.twitter.com/sbXywAWNz5 — Drepung Losel Ling Meditation & Science Center (@dllms_c) September 2, 2020

Please click here to read our Newsletter – DLLMSC Newsletter. July 2020 Our Newsletter of July 2020.https://t.co/xQj8BPnoZI pic.twitter.com/fYcVknzznM — Drepung Losel Ling Meditation & Science Center (@dllms_c) July 29, 2020
Drepung Losel Ling Compassion and Wisdom Retreat began with teaching on the “Three Principal Aspects of the Path” by Gyume Khensur Rinpoche Gen Thutop Gonpo being organized by Emory University, USA and Drepung Losel Ling Meditation and Science Center at …
Drepung Losel Ling Compassion and Wisdom Retreat began with teaching on Psychology of Forgiveness by His Eminence Sharpa Choeje Rinpoche Gen Lobsang Dorjee being organized by Emory University, USA and Drepung Losel Ling Meditation and Science Center at Drepung Monastery, …
Drepung Losel Ling Compassion and Wisdom Retreat began with the teaching on “In Praise of Dependent Origination” by Geshe Dawa Tsering being organized by Emory University and Drepung Losel Ling Meditation and Science Center at Drepung, Doeguling Tibetan Settlement, Mundgod …
Drepung Losel Ling Compassion and Wisdom Retreat 2020 begun with teaching on the Psychology Compassion by Geshe Palden Dakpa at Drepung being organized by Emory University and Drepung Losel Ling Meditation and Science Center, Doeguling Tibetan Settlement Mundgod Karnataka State …
SEE Learning Educator Training Mundgod (January 7-10, 2019) Organised by the Department Education, CTA, Emory University USA, and Drepung Losel Ling Meditation and Science Center, Karnataka.